I Hate My……

“I hate my arms.”

“I hate my lips.”

“I hate my fat.”

“I hate my rolls.”

“I hate my hair.”


These are things I’ve heard from my clients over the last few weeks. So much hate. So much pain wrapped up in these words. It breaks my heart every time. When you hate so much about yourself, how can you possibly focus on the things that make you special? How can you see the beauty in yourself when you’re drowning in all the things you think you need to change?


Here’s the truth: when you’re only focused on what you don’t like, you blind yourself to what there is to love. You let that one thing you despise—whether it’s your arms, your stomach, your thighs—become the loudest voice in the room. It drowns out the good. It drowns out your strength, your softness, your uniqueness. It drowns out the parts of you that are vibrant and beautiful.


You let that single part of you that doesn’t fit into some impossible standard control the way you see your entire self. It spills over into how you see your worth, your value, your place in the world. Suddenly, you’re not good enough. Suddenly, you’re unlovable, undesirable, unworthy—all because of something like a little extra skin, or the way your body curves, or the texture of your hair.


But you are so much more than the sum of your perceived flaws. What if, for just a moment, you stopped letting that inner voice of hate run the show? What if you shifted your focus? What if, instead of tearing yourself down, you looked for one thing—just one thing—to appreciate?


What if you allowed yourself to believe that you are already enough? That you’re not broken, that your body isn’t the problem, that you don’t need fixing? That all the things you think make you “less than” are exactly what make you who you are?


You deserve to look in the mirror and see you, not a checklist of things you hate. You deserve to show yourself the same love and compassion you so easily give to others. You deserve to be whole—not because you’ve reached some ideal standard of beauty, but because you already are.


Let’s change the narrative. Let’s stop giving our insecurities the power to define our worth. You are not defined by your arms, your lips, your fat, your hair. You are defined by your heart, by your courage, by the love you give, and the light you bring into the world.

You are more than enough. You always have been.



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