Maura Chick's Blog
Accepting How Your Body Changes
Why doesn't my body look the same as it did 10 years ago? YOU CHANGE. That's why. Sounds simple, yes. But this is a hard concept for people to grasp because 1) they don’t like change; 2) hate the way their body has adapted; 3) we constantly compare ourselves to what...
Still facing body shaming
It has been two weeks since I shared my body shaming story and the response to the incident. It all started because I wore this piece of lingerie that I felt amazing in and someone disagreed with my choice and said fat isn't sexy. (If you don't know what I'm talking...
Overcoming Body Shaming
I want to address something that happened to me this weekend, as inappropriate comments were deleted by the person that posted them before I could fully respond. I shared a photo of me in some new fabulous lingerie I purchased - it's the piece I'm wearing in...
You belong here!
This is your space – for believing in yourself, your potential and the understanding of who you really are. As you journey toward greatness, your potential will be revealed as you push past all barriers that have held you back. New beginnings await as your create a beautifully intentional life.